How can I improve my Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning efficiency?

You must be aware of the fact that HVAC is the biggest contributor to your electricity bills and this is why, you should do everything in order to make your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system as efficient as possible. Many people make the mistake of forgetting about their HVAC system after installing it. They mistakenly think that the system will take care of itself. While the new system will keep working efficiently for some time but without regular maintenance and servicing, it will quickly become less efficient and that will lead to higher than necessary energy bills. Here’s is what M and K HVAC Las Vegas has to say about improving the efficiency of your HVAC system.

Programmable Thermostat

If you still haven’t invested in a programmable thermostat, you should get one right now. This tiny appliance has the potential to reduce your electricity bill by up to 15%. In fact, if you upgrade to a smart thermostat, you might be able to save even a lot more money over the long run as the smart thermostat learns about the habits of people living in the home and adjusts the systems accordingly.

Make Sure There is Proper Insulation

One of the most common reasons why people get higher than expected energy bills is poor insulation in the building. A house where insulation hasn’t been installed properly, it could lead to wastage of energy. When cold air escapes from your home during the summer months or hot air escapes from your house during the winter months, the HVAC system will have to work harder and it will lead to higher than expected energy bills. Needless to say, it will also affect the expected service life of your electric system as the system will need to work harder and for longer periods of time. So, you need to make sure that there is proper insulation.

Regular Maintenance

Not many people realize the importance of maintaining their equipment. If you want to maximize the efficiency of your HVAC system, you need to make sure that it is regularly maintained. So, call a professional to check the system before you start using the equipment. Consider these checks at the beginning and ending of each season. It will not only make sure that your HVAC system is working at optimum efficiency but will also help you avoid expensive repairs in the long run.

Air Filters

Another reason why your HVAC system isn’t performing at optimum efficiency could be due to dirty air filters. You must be aware of the fact that air filters need to be clean in order to ensure that there is no hindrance to the airflow. Replacement air filters are cheap but you can also buy air filters that can be washed and reused. It will help you run your HVAC system at maximum efficiency.

Home Energy Audit

Experts say that things that can be measured, can also be improved. An energy audit allows you to figure out the efficiency of existing HVAC system as well as its energy usage. In short, the audit will help you learn whether your system is working at utmost efficiency and if not, what are the ways you can improve the efficiency of various equipment that are part of the HVAC system.

Replace the Equipment

One of the ways for you to extract maximum efficiency out of HVAC system is to replace the old models with new models. The new appliances available today are much more energy efficient as not everyone considered energy efficiency as the primary factor when buying their HVAC systems and that also reflected in the manner in which those systems were designed. The modern systems are much more energy efficient. It’s an expensive option but you need to weigh the pros and cons of replacing your HVAC system in terms of money saved on energy bills and the overall cost of the system.